Using Evernote to Budget

2014-12-06T18:43:31+00:00December 6th, 2014|Sprout Your Business|

Evernote, traditionally, is a note taking application, but it can be used for many other things if you’re creative. One such way is budgeting. But how can one use a note taking app for budgeting? I’m glad you asked. Because I do it. I dislike having to use too many applications to do stuff, simply because I forget to use

Using an Evernote @inbox Notebook to Get Sh*t Done

2014-11-27T18:39:00+00:00November 27th, 2014|Sprout Your Business|

If it wasn’t completely obvious, I use Evernote a lot. And with using Evernote a lot, you get to develop a lot of tricks to keeping yourself organised. At the time of writing this, I have 1800 notes in my Evernote. It’s not a lot because I delete a lot of notes when I’m done with them (I’ve got over

Evernote for Blogging

2014-11-15T16:52:06+00:00November 15th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

I’m a huge fan of Evernote; everyone who reads this blog knows that. And I like to share all the ways I use Evernote to make my life 100% easier. I love blogging (possibly as much as I love Evernote!) but my schedule is crazy, so I don’t always get the time to write, or finish writing a piece I

Why (and how) I use Evernote for Blogging

2014-11-03T16:21:02+00:00November 3rd, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

It is pretty evident that I use Evernote almost exclusively, but today I’ll be chatting a bit about using Evernote for blogging. When used efficiently, Evernote can be the most powerful tool anyone could have, especially writers. You see, people think that blogging is just write a post, hit publish and that’s it. Blogging is a lot more complicated than

Why I love Evernote

2014-11-02T16:07:07+00:00November 2nd, 2014|Sprout Your Business|

Have you ever had a thought and then when you went to jot it down it’s all gone? Well, my thought train moves so quickly it gets pretty hard to keep up, which I why I started using Evernote in the first place. I have an Android phone, which means I get an Evernote widget on my homescreen, and because

Organise & Simplify your Life

2014-03-30T01:18:20+00:00March 30th, 2014|Sprout Your Business, The Good Stuff|

With all of today’s technology, we’re spread out over at least three devices; the work computer, your personal laptop/desktop and your smartphone, not to mention tablet(s), some people have multiple phones, etc.  Then you have a million apps. For tasks, you have Remember the Milk, Out of Milk, Wunderlist, etc. For notes you have Google Docs, Google Keep, Evernote, Mac

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